Together with VetPartners Italia support Save the Children, the international organization that has been fighting to save the lives of girls and boys and ensure their future for over 100 years.
Wear a funny Christmas-themed jumper to help children in difficult situations in Italy and around the World. Food insufficiency, economic poverty and therefore educational poverty, inequality are just some of the hardships these children face every day.
Let's not leave them alone!
Anyone who wishes, from the VetPartners Italy family and beyond, can make a donation and wear their Christmas outfit during Christmas events to celebrate Christmas Jumper Day!
You can also take a photo and share it on social using the hashtag #ChristmasJumperDay #VetPartnersItalia

My donation

I donate once

  • You can provide a refugee child with a kit with four notebooks, pencils, sharpener, geometry kit and a backpack.

  • You can provide a refugee family with a kit with cutlery, utensils, 2 pots, tin cups, kitchen knife, etc.

  • You can provide a refugee girl with a health kit with towels, linen, tampons, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc.

  • You can guarantee the food supply for a family of five and cover their food needs for a month.

Why donate?

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